Send ads to membersmart15@gcara.org. Ads are free to members and subject to editing. Deadline: last Monday of the month. Ads will run for two issues, unless otherwise requested.
TM&K ads usually work. If they don’t, consider donating to the GCARA Equipment Support Committee. Donations may be tax deductible.
Business card size..$5.00 / issue $60.00 / 12 issues
Half page.................$10.00 / issue $100.00 / 12 issues
Full page..................$25.00 / issue $250.00 / 12 issues
Reprinting, from The Mike & Key is granted to amateur radio publications provided credit is given to the original author and The Mike & Key.
Published monthly by the Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Assoc. Inc.
Submit ads and news to the editor, Dave, K8SSN: editor08@gcara.org
Deadline: forth Wednesday of the month